Product Maintenance
Performance Improvement: Loading individual products is now faster, improving efficiency when managing your product catalog.
New Feature: Apply product tax configurations to all products across multiple pages, streamlining tax management.
User Interface Enhancement: The "Save" button now displays "Saving..." when saving a product, providing clear feedback on the saving process.
Store Information (Head Office)
Enhancement: The Store ID is now displayed in the Store List at Head Office, making it easier to identify and manage individual stores.
Home View
Performance Improvement: We've optimized the loading times of the Home View charts for a smoother experience.
New Display: Total orders and past customer count are now visible on the Home View, giving you quick access to key metrics.
Sales by Product Report
Bug Fix: Filtering by category now correctly returns the selected categories in the report.
Enhancement: All available tax selections are now accessible within categories when viewing an individual location, offering greater flexibility in tax configuration.
Customer Display Configuration
New Feature: You can now toggle between Subdomain or Path when configuring the Customer Display, providing more customization options.